
 There are three main types of Sandhi in Sanskrit:

1. Vowel Sandhi (स्वर संधि): Rules for combining vowels, such as:

    - Combination of two vowels to form a new vowel or diphthong.

    - Elision or modification of vowels in adjacent words.

2. Consonant Sandhi (व्यञ्जन संधि): Rules for combining consonants, such as:

    - Combination of two consonants to form a new consonant or cluster.

    - Modification or elision of consonants in adjacent words.

3. Visarga Sandhi (विसर्ग संधि): Rules for combining words ending in Visarga (ḥ) with other words.

Some examples of Sandhi in Sanskrit:

- Vowel Sandhi:

    - गण + ईश := गणेश : - ( अ + ई = ए )  

- Consonant Sandhi:

    - वाक् + ईश := वागीश : -( क् +ई = गी ) 

- Visarga Sandhi:

    - नि : + फल := निष्फल :- ( : + फ् = ष्फ )

Sandhi is an essential aspect of Sanskrit language and is used extensively in Sanskrit literature, poetry, and philosophical texts. It requires a good understanding of Sanskrit grammar, syntax, and phonetics.

                                                  Dr. Mrs Renuka A. Deshpande

                                                    B.A.M.S, M.A. ( Sanskrit)

                                                    Assistant Professor

                                                   Samhita Siddhant and Sanskrit Dept.

                                                  BVDU(Deemed To Be University)

                                                     College of Ayurved, Pune


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